HERITAGE STUDY PROGRAMS PRESENTS: An advanced bible study program and a fact finding expedition to Israel, focusing on the status of Jerusalem and the region’s security & defense.


Frank Gaffney

Married to his wife Chery l since 1977, Reverend Rob Schenck  (pronounced SHANK) is President and lead missionary of Faith and Action, a Christian outreach to elected and appointed officials in Washington, DC. As a highly sought after cultural observer, Rev. Schenck uses exceptional story-telling ability, powerful public-speaking skills and a remarkable sense of humor to provide profound insights into the challenging moral issues that confront our nation.

His candid and personal views on Capitol Hill activities have put him at the center of many Washington news conferences and he is often a guest on TV and radio shows from coast to coast including the Sean Hannity Show, On the Record with Greta Van Susteren and Larry King Live. Magazines including Life, Time, Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report and Christianity Today have all carried reports of his evangelistic efforts. Rev. Schenck has also been the focus of feature stories in the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Houston Chronicle and the Los Angeles Times. His biography in the Baltimore Sun was one of the largest features ever published in that newspaper and The Washington Post printed a front-page article about his views on homosexuality. Dr. Schenck has met and spoken personally with two Presidents, former and current Speakers of the House, Senate Majority Leaders, numerous members of Congress and all nine Justices of the US Supreme Court.

Rev. Schenck is president of the National Clergy Council, a network of pastors and denominational leaders who work together to bring Christian moral principles into the conversation and debate surrounding national policy, and currently serves on the boards of the Evangelical Church Alliance, the Exchange Club of Capitol Hill, the Institute on Religion and Public Policy, the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the National Clergy Council.

Through his work with the Institute on Religion and Public Policy, Rob has also traveled extensively overseas, including nations such as Morocco and the Sudan, working tirelessly to uphold the dignity of life and safeguard religious freedom as the fundamental human freedom.

He holds ministerial affiliation with both the Evangelical Church Alliance and the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Ken Timmerman is a nationally recognized investigative reporter and war correspondent who was nominated for the Nobel Peace prize in 2006 for the work he has done to expose Iran's nuclear weapons program. He is the President & CEO of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran (iran.org) and lectures on Iran at the Pentagon's Joint Counter-Intelligence Training Academy, JCITA.

In 2012, he was the Republican nominee for Congress in Maryland's 8th District, where he was endorsed by Ambassador John Bolton and a team of our most senior national security officials, as well as by leading state and local officials.

He is also a witness to the persecuted church, and has published a book about the Christians of Iraq, St. Peter's Bones, based on recent trips to Mosul and Amman, Jordan.

For the past thirty years, Ken has covered both sides of the Arab-Israeli conflict, interviewing radical imams and would-be suicide bombers in Gaza, while reporting on the plight of Israeli citizens during the Hezbollah missile attacks of the 2006 war. As a young reporter in 1982, he was taken hostage by Palestinian guerilla fighters in West Beirut where he was born again to his Christian faith.

When the families of 9/11 victims despaired of finding justice in U.S. courts they turned to Ken to investigate on their behalf. Based on eyewitnesses testimony Ken elicited from Iranian defectors, a federal district judge ruled in December 2011 that Iran "shared responsibility" for the 9/11 terrorist attacks with al Qaeda and awarded the victims a $6 billion civil judgment.

Famed Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal said of Ken, "I have spent my life tracking the murderer's of yesterday. Mr. Timmerman is tracking the murderers of tomorrow."

Ken's 2003 investigative work, Preachers of Hate: Islam and the War on America, was the first book by a nationally-recognized author to explore the inextricable bounds between Muslim anti-Semitism and the 9/11 attacks. Ken's books and other writings are available at kentimmerman.com

To schedule appearances, please call 301-946-2918
or email Ken directly: Timmerman.road@verizon.net
or visit www.kentimmerman.com

Patrick J. Mahoney is a nationally known Christian social and political activist, and an ordained minister in the Reformed Presbyterian Church.  Reverend Mahoney works in Washington, DC and resides in Fredericksburg, Virginia, with his wife Katie.  He has three grown daughters and three grandchildren.

Rev. Mahoney grew up on the Jersey Shore, in Ocean Township, New Jersey .  He attended the University of Dayton, OH and Faith School of Theology in Maine where he graduated in 1976.  He served from 1977-78 as Youth Pastor at El Bethel Church in New York City, where he received his first experience working with troubled youth and gang members.  From 1978 to 1981 he was part of the Pastoral staff of New Covenant Presbyterian Church in Pompano Beach, Florida where he was ordained as minister at large.  Here he began a social service program that strove to meet the needs of the surrounding community, and still continues strong today.

In 1981 Rev. Mahoney moved to Connecticut to establish  New Covenant Church and served  there as Pastor until 1987.  From 1987 until 1991 he was the Director of the Center for Christian Activism, based in South Florida.  The Center was active in challenging the Church to establish Biblical principles in a hurt and fragmented world.  Rev.  Mahoney has worked extensively on human rights issues, homelessness, hunger, racism and other pressing issues of social justice from a Christ-centered biblical perspective.

In September of 1992 the Mahoney family moved to the Washington, DC area to assume a position as Director of the Christian Defense Coalition. This is a national ministry committed to challenging the Body of Christ to live out their faith in the public square.

For the past 35 years Rev. Mahoney has been an outspoken advocate for the struggling and oppressed in our society.  He has criss-crossed this country, speaking out with deep passion and conviction on broad issues of social justice.  Some of his activities have included: sleeping in a newspaper dumpster in New England to draw attention to the plight of the homeless; the establishing and operating of soup kitchens, food pantries and emergency shelters for the needy; and assisting in the development of a program to ship medical supplies to war torn Central America.

He was the first American to walk the Dublin to Belfast road for peace in Ireland and helped rebuild border roads with Northern Irish farmers,leading the fight to save the life of Teri Schiavo in Florida,  organizing the efforts to help Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore publicly display the 10 Commandments in the Alabama Supreme Court, leading the first public display of a Nativity Scene in front of the Supreme Court and in Times Square New York City, helping found the Fredericksburg Christian Health Center which is a faith based medical clinic reaching out to the poor and uninsured.

Rev. Mahoney is also a nationally known pro-life leader and speaker whose work includes: being the former National Spokesperson for Operation Rescue, leading the nation's first pro-life voter initiative, premiering the showing of Silent Scream on American television, founding maternity homes and pregnancy resource centers around the nation, helping lead the effort to end China's forced abortion policy and being the founding Board Member of a life-affirming medical clinic located right next to Planned Parenthood which is being used as a national model to replace Planned Parenthood.

   Rev. Mahoney is a founder, and also serves on the Executive Board, of the Alliance for Revival and Reformation.  This organization is made up of nationally known pastors, historians, theologians and pastors who are dedicated to spreading the message of repentance, biblical revival and cultural reformation.  He speaks in churches on a regular basis concerning these topics.

His work has been featured in the national media through such publications as Newsweek, Time, New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, & U.S. News and World Report. Reverend Mahoney has been seen on The Today Show, Good Morning America, Nightline, Larry King, Oprah, Hannity, The O'Riley Factor,  ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, 48 Hours, 60 Minutes, the BBC and the 700 Club.

Ron Wexler- Heritage Study Programs

Ron Wexler heads Heritage Study Programs, an educational travel organization based in Boca Raton, Florida and serves as president of the Ten Commandments Commission, a non-profit that fosters improved understanding between Christians and Jews.

Ron Wexler served in the Israel Defense Force during the Six-Day War of 1967 and the Yom Kippur War of 1973. He both attended rabbinical school and has done research on early Christianity, giving him the basis for his work promoting conciliation between Jews and Christians. He has produced programs for the Municipality of Jerusalem and the Government of Israel Tourist Office; in particular, he was responsible for the "Jerusalem 2000" celebration.

Dore Gold is an Israeli statesman who has served in various diplomatic positions under several Israeli governments. He is the current President of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. He also served as an advisor to former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his first term in office.

In 1991 Gold was an advisor to the Israeli delegation at the Madrid Peace Conference. From June 1996 to June 1997 he served as Foreign Policy Adviser to former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. During the period in which Benjamin Netanyahu served as the head of the Israeli opposition, Gold was instrumental in forging the relationship between the Likud Party leadership and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in response to the strategic ties that were growing between Israel's Labor government and the PLO under Yasser Arafat. Gold accompanied Netanyahu to meetings with the Jordanian leadership in 1994 and 1995 in London, Amman, and in Aqaba. As the Foreign Policy Adviser under Netanyahu after the 1996 elections, Gold worked with the Palestinian Authority, Egypt, Jordan and others in the Arab world. He was also involved in negotiations leading up to the Hebron Agreement and the Note for the Record.

William J. MurrayDr. Mordechai Kedar- Lt. Col. (res.)

Mordechai Kedar is one of the top Israeli scholars of Arabic literature and a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University. He holds the Ph.D. from Bar-Ilan University.

Kedar is an academic expert on the Israeli Arab population. He served for twenty-five years in IDF Military Intelligence, where he specialized in Islamic groups, the political discourse of Arab countries, the Arabic press and mass media, and the Syrian domestic arena. The Los Angeles Times' Edmund Sanders described him as "one of the few Arabic-speaking Israeli pundits seen on Arabic satellite channels defending Israel".

Kedar drew attention with a June 2008 Al-Jazeera interview in which he challenged the moderator's assertion that "You cannot erase Jerusalem from the Qur'an", pointing out that Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Qur'an.

William J. MurrayAli Yahya

Yahya was born in 1947 and raised in Nazareth. He completed his BA degree in history and Arabic literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1970. Yahya is married and has five children.

Prior to becoming an ambassador, Yahya was the coordinator of the Israeli Foreign Ministry's Special Projects Division for the Middle East and the Peace Process.

In 1995, Yahya became a member of the Board of Directors of the Israel Broadcasting Authority (IBA), where he was in charge of Arabic and radio programs. That year he also joined the Lapid Movement for Learning the Lessons of the Holocaust. Later in 1995 he was appointed the Israeli ambassador to Finland. He served until 1999.

In 1999, he served as Coordinator and Advisor for Special Projects (P.T.P.), at the Department for the Middle East Peace Process and was the direct responsible for the Aqaba Eilat peace talks.

In 2006, Yahya was appointed the Israeli ambassador to Greece.

Yahya was the first Israeli-Arab to light the ceremonial torch at the Israeli Independence Day celebration, and was the delegate of the Israeli - Arab Community at the Nobel Prize Ceremony in 1995.